GREAT JACK'S 冷凍脫水狗小食 100% 三文魚 7oz (大包) x2

品 牌︰ Great Jack's
型 號︰ 81409075-2
銷售價︰ $250.0
購買數量︰︰   加入購物車

產品詳情 單一蛋白防敏感配方 高級冷凍脫水方法製造,以保存全部風味和營養 100%天然犬小食 無穀物零食 高蛋白質 低敏 不含任何填充劑人造色素 加拿大製作 Key Benefits Contains just one single protein source that's freeze-dried to lock in flavor and nutrients. 100% natural rewards you and your furry friend can agree on. Crafted with protein that's sourced from only the USA and Canada. Made and sourced in Canada. Highly palatable and paw-fect for dogs of all breeds, sizes, and ages. Caloric Content 4630 Kcal/KG 2.32 Kcal/Treat

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