
Cosset 愛寵健靈芝蟲草配方老年犬專用 80粒

型 號︰ 81302024
銷售價︰ $580.0
購買數量︰︰   加入購物車
Cosset 愛寵健根據老年犬的體質及需要研究,結合了 6 種靈芝 (青芝、黃芝、赤芝、紫芝、白芝及黑芝),再配合冬蟲夏草精煉出 Cosset 愛寵健靈芝蟲草配方,有效減低狗狗因免疫力下降而產生的各種疾病。
Cosset 愛寵健以純天然靈芝子實體萃取,絕無咖啡因、抗生素、類固醇等其他西藥成份,亦無添加人造色素、防腐劑、安定劑或抗氧化劑等化學物質。當中更絕不含肉骨粉 (肉骨粉存在散播瘋牛症及滋生細菌的危機),而且所有過程均在 GMP 國際認證的廠房生產,以確保生產及品質的安全可靠,加上所有產品都通過 SGS 測試,保證絕不含農藥、重金屬、微生物等有害物質,品質絕對有保證。
根據現代醫學研究報告証實,發現靈芝蘊含多醣體、機鍺、三萜類、腺甘類及多種微量元素等,而且其有機鍺的含量比人蔘還要高出 4-6 倍。可見,靈芝能有效保護寵物體內的正常細胞,提升狗狗的抵抗力、促進肝臟健康、增加血液含氧量及循環,並全面提升精神、增加食慾。
而冬蟲夏草則含有豐富蛋白質、蟲草酸、腺苷、蟲草多醣、生物鹼、維生素及 19 種氨基酸,能重點提升腎、肺功能,全面改善呼吸系統及支氣管問題。
專家指出,如果狗狗由中年時開始服用靈芝、蟲草,能增強抵抗力、強化機能,對延緩腦部退化有莫大幫助。經動物醫學認証,靈芝、蟲草具有以下 7 大功能:
1) 強化肝臟機能,延緩衰老;
2) 改善氣喘,呼吸系統過敏;
3) 改善多尿,失禁,經常疲倦;
4) 強腎補肺,提升免疫力,減少疾病;
5) 提升睡眠質素,促進新陳代謝;
6) 調節血壓、血糖、血脂及膽固醇過高。
7) 促進毛囊健康,改善毛髮質素及毛色,
* Cosset 愛寵健保證每一顆膠囊 (約 220mg) 含有不少於 20% 的靈芝多醣及草蟲多醣!
** 隨包裝附送針筒及量杯。
According to the constitution and needs of elder dogs, Cosset love pet health, combined with 6 kinds of Ganoderma lucidum (Ganoderma lucidum, yellow, red ganoderma, purple ginseng, white ganoderma and black ginseng), together with Cordyceps sinensis refined Cosset love pet Ganoderma Cordyceps formula effectively reduce Dogs due to the decline in immunity caused by various diseases.
Cosset love pet health pure natural Ganoderma lucidum fruit extract, no caffeine, antibiotics, steroids and other Western ingredients, nor added artificial colors, preservatives, stabilizers or antioxidants and other chemicals. There is no meat and bone meal at all (meat and bone meal has the risk of spreading mad cow disease and breeding of bacteria), and all processes are produced at GMP International certified plants to ensure the safety and reliability of production and quality, plus all products are SGS Testing, guaranteed never contain pesticides, heavy metals, microorganisms and other harmful substances, quality is guaranteed.
This formula with patented extraction technology, coupled with the dog's unique digestive system and physique to ensure that dogs can highly absorb the active ingredients, long-term use can also enhance the dog's immune system, relieve the health problems often older dogs .
According to the report of modern medical research, it has been found that Ganoderma contains polysaccharides, germanium, triterpenoids, adenosine and various trace elements, and its content of organic germanium is still 4-6 times higher than that of human. Visible, Ganoderma lucidum can effectively protect the body's normal cells, improve the dog's resistance, promote liver health, increase blood oxygen and circulation, and comprehensively enhance the spirit and increase appetite.
Cordyceps is rich in protein, Cordyceps acid, adenosine, Cordyceps polysaccharide, alkaloids, vitamins and 19 kinds of amino acids, can focus on improving kidney and lung function, and comprehensively improve the respiratory system and bronchial problems.
When combined with Ganoderma lucidum and Cordyceps sinensis, can regulate the body abnormalities for dogs to enhance health; long-term use, but also delay aging, to maintain a young, lively elves.
Experts point out that if the dog starts taking middle-aged Ganoderma lucidum, Cordyceps, can enhance the resistance, strengthen the function of delaying brain degeneration great help. The animal medical certification, Ganoderma lucidum, Cordyceps has the following seven major functions:
1) strengthen the liver function, anti-aging;
2) improve asthma, respiratory allergies;
3) improve diuretic, incontinence, often tired;
4) strong kidney lungs, enhance immunity, reduce disease;
5) enhance the quality of sleep, promote metabolism;
6) regulate blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids and high cholesterol.
7) promote hair follicles health, improve hair quality and hair color,
** Cosset love pet health to ensure that every capsule (about 220mg) contains not less than 20% Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides and worm polysaccharides!
** Comes with syringe and measuring cup.
Ingredients :Each capsule contains Ganoderma polysaccharide and Cordyceps polysaccharide not less than 20%Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides, Cordyceps polysaccharide, triterpenoids, cordycepin, Cordyceps acid, adenosine
Directions for Use 使用方法
體型(KG)   保健用途 (每次食量) 治療用途 (每次食量)
小型犬 (1-7 kg) 1粒       1-2粒
中型犬至大型犬 (7kg 以上) 2粒        2-3粒
** 按以上建議服用量:
如為保健用途,每天服用 1 次;如為輔助及治療康復用途,每天 2 次。
4)溫水服用:打開膠囊,將藥粉混和 6cc 溫水 (約攝氏 30度),攪拌至溶解,然後以針筒餵服
** According to the above recommended dosage:
Take 1 time daily for health purposes, 2 times daily for auxiliary and therapeutic purposes.
Taking method:
1) Wholegrain feeding: Open the dog's mouth with both hands, place the capsule into the dog's oral cavity, and close it immediately for swallowing
2) Wrap food: Wrap the whole-grain capsule with the dog's favorite food and then feed it
3) mixed food: open the capsule, the powder mixed with dog food to take
4) warm water to take: open the capsule, the powder mixed with 6cc warm water (about 30 degrees Celsius), stirring until dissolved, and then fed with a syringe



標簽︰ Cosset
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